Child Custody Arrangements 

Child custody

Child Custody

is really a cover for the most common fear that parents have in a divorce. It is the fear that they will lose their children and become weekend parents. No parent wants to lose his or her children. But now, with two households, how can that work? Well, that’s where making child custody arrangements comes into the picture.

Usually in a contested divorce the Courts just award custody to one parent. The other parent gets weekend visitation every other week. Maybe another night during the week for dinner. Not really satisfactory.

But if you are in a court arguing about custody it is unlikely that a joint custody arrangement would work. And so it goes when someone else makes the decisions about child custody. Who loses? Actually, it is your children who lose.

LI Divorce Mediation Patient Review

“Extremely well informed, patient and unbiased. I would highly recommend their services. Always gave us extra time…. and were NOT clock watchers…which is a welcome breath of fresh air (while you are usually at the mercy of your wallet) in the most stressful, important time of your life facing a divorce and custody issues.5 stars!” – Chris P 

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Child Custody Arrangement Schedule

Instead of fighting over words like “custody” and “visitation”, in divorce mediation at the Long Island Center, we focus on how much time each parent will spend with the children and who is going to make what decisions.

Child custody

The reality is that most parents work and most children go to school. Those activities take up most of the day. After school children often have lessors or school events. Weekends on Long Island are often filled with soccer or lacrosse, or gymnastics, or who knows what else. The problem is often not who has the children, but who is going to take them to their activities. So, in child custody, we focus on the time each parent spends with the children rather than what to call it. This is an essential part of planning child custody arrangements.

Child Custody And Work Schedule

Two weeks have fourteen days. There are many ways to divide up fourteen days when making child custody arrangements. Also, by combining a Friday afternoon and night or a Sunday night and Monday morning, a weekend can become a meaningful block of time.

Schedule A Consultation

At the Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation, we care about helping families settle their differences. If you’re having a problem with child custody arrangements, contact us at 631-757-1554 so we can help you.

Divorce Mediation
Yaphank and Huntington
Suffolk County, NY

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